Sunday, March 6, 2011

happy happy joy joy!

I really love the way I feel after running. Besides the feeling of accomplishment and just being glad I got off my butt and did something, I always am so happy. I just got done having a lazy sunday and decided I needed to get a run in. Did 3 miles on my treadmill (<3 my treadmill) in 35 min, 40 sec. This is quick for me :) I walked for maybe a total of...5 of those min? 5 min at the most...and the whole time I was running I ran at an 11 mile pace, which is awesome.

Things have been pretty good this past week! At weigh in on Thursday, I found out I lost 2.8 pounds! I have not had a loss that high in a long time, and I am super excited about it! This week I really think I am on track again, so we shall see. I plan on running at least two more times before Thursday, and I am doing good with tracking...

Not to much else has been going on. Yesterday was my mom's birthday party. We met in Ann Arbor (ick hehe) and had Mongolian BBQ. My sisters and I got my mom a Nook and I am pretty sure she loves it. Good decision Pam : Other family news is since my mom started doing weight watchers, in october i think, she has lost 25 pounds. She told me yesterday she weighs less than she has since she was sick (my mom is a Breast Cancer survivor since 1999). I am so proud of her and so glad she is doing this for herself. Also, Pam joined WW about a month ago and she has lost over 5 pounds.

Weight Watchers is such a truly amazing company. I know I could never have done this without Weight Watchers. But then again, I would have never joined WW if it was not for the company I work for. They started WW at Work, and they also pay for half of the cost for each employee that joins. I am seriously so lucky to work for this company. There are not many out there that truly care about their employees the way my employer does....


See, its all those endorphins, making me all chatty and happy and smiley hehe.

Well, thats all for tonight! New Celebrity Apprentice tonight, cannot wait.

See ya!

1 comment:

    can't wait for the wings game?!?
