Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hmm Sunday, fun day?

Today Shane and I drove back home from our weekend in The U.P. We are making an annual tradition of visiting St Ignace around our anniversary, and this year marked year two :)

We had a truly fun, and amazing weekend. But it was marred by two CRAP-TASTIC runs. I think marred is the wrong word...lets say, the weekend was a 10, but if my run yesterday and today had been good, it probably would have been a 15 haha.

And the worst part is they we not even crappy long runs. They were crappy short runs. Yesterday's run I just felt tired. Those two miles felt so long, and I ended up taking a walk break. Todays two mile run (once we got back home) I felt like a zombie.

Could be a few reasons for that...
1. three beers yesterday
2. chicken wings and fries for lunch...
3. pizza for dinner...
4. 67 degrees, and humid out (Wtf September?! where did my crisp fall weather go?!)

and probably a big reason is I didnt run at all after my 1/2 marathon, until yesterday. So almost 6 days with no running? Not the best idea, esp when I have another half in like, 20 days.

But! Its done, and in a few minutes I am heading to go get our puppy from the dog sitter, and I cannot wait to see that guy!

Have a great Sunday, and a great week of running!

But really, before I go, a question:
Any tricks for getting back in your groove after taking some time off?


  1. Ah, it's easy to miss a run or not feel into it on vacation. I assume your doing the Detroit Half? If so, awesome! The most I have taken off is 3 days since I started running so I won't be much help.

  2. Oops just saw your dailymile schedule. Cool!
