Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 2013

Hm, so if someone had told me that I would only run 15 miles this month, I would have laughed at them. But here we are on January 31st, and I only ran 15 miles this month!

While I was not running a lot, I did start doing ab and arm workouts more frequently, and I have really enjoyed that. My real focus for this year is to be less jiggly, and I am on my way!

In other news, the company I work for (is amazing) has been doing a lot of various healthy incentives and programs over the past few years, and this year they announced they will start paying for us to RACE! I AM BEYOND STOKED! There will be a list of races each quarter that they will pay our registration for :) How awesome is that?

So far I am signed up for:
The Heart Throb 5k
Lansing Race for the Cure
The Lansing Marathon RELAY!

This coming Sunday I am running the Superbowl 5k, which I signed up for simply to get myself moving. I am still plugging away on the treadmill, but I did venture out this past weekend for a 3 miler. I need to get out more, but I just struggle a bit with the cold. The lack of daylight still is not a big help either.

Anywho! Thats all for now. Time to watch my Spartans play against Illinois. So far, things are not going well, but there is still lots of basketball left to play :)


  1. I would go nuts if my work paid for races. I'd sign up for every race they allowed. That is awesome!

  2. That is what I am doing so far haha! Only one I did not sign up for is because I am out of town :-D
